Palmiotti and Gray's NEPTUNE Rises
New superhero thriller graphic novel debuts in March from Narwain
Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray have been blazing a trail through mainstream comics with acclaimed titles as Jonah Hex, Hawkman, Daughters of the Dragon, and Monolith. Now, Narwain is pleased to introduce the world to their creator-owned epic graphic novel Neptune.The delicate treaty between surface world and the submerged city of Atlantis is jeopardized when a super villain terrorist tries to launch a war that will bring him power over the earth. One man, possessing the power of the god Neptune, must stop him.With artwork by Wellington Dias (C.S.I.), Neptune features political intrigue, super villains, terrorists, spies, giant sea monsters, strange new sciences and a lawless border town in the middle of the ocean.
Neptune is an alternative to the continuity-heavy crossovers going on everywhere. "It's a book with a beginning, middle and end. You can just pick it up and read it. A retailer can keep it on the rack all year round."Palmiotti said he's happy to be working with Narwain on the project for a number of reasons. "We're very excited that Narwain has let us create something from scratch and be totally involved with ever aspect of the book. Also, Narwain is launching this in several markets around the world simultaneously which is a big plus."Neptune features 48 full-color pages for a cover price of $5.99.
The graphic novel is slated for release in March and can be found in the current Diamond Previews catalog.
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