Tuesday, March 14, 2006


killer 7 #1
Writer: Arvid Nelson
Artist: Bong Dazo (El Dazo)
Inker: n/a
Cover: Sanford Greene
Color: B&W
Pages: 32
Standard Comic
Price: $2.95
Diamond Order#: tba
UPC# 882142-00116-00101

Although most people know him for his work on the thriller Rex Mundi, Arvid Nelson is writing a very different kind of story with the Devil’s Due release of Killer 7. He told us what it was like adapting this video game for the sequential art form. Nelson said it wasn’t easy to describe this game. He compared it to a mix of Quentin Tarantino movies, Hong Kong blood operas, and things along that line. He said the game takes place in the present – but this present might not be one we’re familiar with. “The world is in the process of uniting under one government,” Nelson said. “To prevent terrorism, the new world order has banned air travel and use of the internet. Nuclear weapons are in the process of being dismantled - sounds kind of good… or kind of scary, depending on your point of view.”

”But there’s a threat to world peace, the Heaven’s Smiles,” he continued. “Heaven’s Smiles are living human bombs – they look like normal human beings, but they can ‘uncloak’ and reveal their hideous true forms – slavering, zombie-like drones with hideous smiles (hence the term Heaven’s Smile). Heaven’s Smiles cause mass death and destruction when they detonate themselves, and there’s no way to know who’s a Smile and who’s not until it’s too late. A group of assassins known as the ‘Killer 7’ are called in to deal with the problem, to find out where the Heaven’s Smiles are coming from. And that’s where it all begins.”Nelson said working on this project was very similar to the work he’s done with Rex Mundi in that both take place in worlds with alternate histories, involve political intrigue, and are “mystical detective stories.” He said, “The further I got into the game the more I thought ‘oh my God, I’m the perfect person to write this story!’”

When a volley of earth-shattering nuclear missiles are launched at Japan, it’s up to a group of assassins known as the killer 7 to stop the launch before Japan is reduced to an irradiated smear. The strike is linked to the Yakumo, a world-wide conspiracy responsible for a plague of zombie terrorists known as “Heaven’s Smiles”. The fate of millions of people hangs in the balance.

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